Friday, January 21, 2011

reminders and witnesses

I find I need witnesses to stay accountible - even more when I want to hide.  What a gift friendships are and yet other times, how difficult they are to maintain.

Friends are are witnesses of what we commit to do - and where we fail.
I need to promise them, to take the leap to reveal myself more to them - so they can help me to pray, to make amends to surrender.  Their presense in my life should remind me of where I need to be to be to continue to grow.

It takes strength to use accountability.

And we know that where two are more are gathered...
And a rope of three strands is stronger

And also that people will let us down
And that everything we need for life and godliness is in scripture (Peter 1:3)

But when we fall, these friends can forgive me and help me begin again.

I do struggle with allowing friends to see "ME"   I find it more and more challenging to develop friendships beyond casual level - even with my husband in a sense.  We know each other, but it continues to be a challenge to go deeply.

Surrender to accountability, to teamwork, to friendships and  to witnesses...

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